Moles can be frustrating pests that wreak havoc in our gardens. Their extensive underground tunnels can damage plants, create unsightly mounds, and disrupt the overall aesthetics of your cherished outdoor space. While there are numerous methods to tackle mole problems, one unexpected yet effective solution lies in the sweet and fluffy world of marshmallows. Read more to explore how to use marshmallows to bid farewell to these troublesome critters and reclaim your garden's serenity.

Understanding the Marshmallow Method

Using marshmallows to get rid of moles may seem like an unusual approach, but it has gained popularity among gardeners seeking a humane and eco-friendly solution. The concept is simple: moles are attracted to the scent of marshmallows, and by strategically placing them in mole activity areas, you can entice the moles to consume the marshmallows. Once consumed, the marshmallows expand within the moles' digestive systems, deterring their presence and encouraging them to seek alternative food sources.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Follow these step-by-step instructions to effectively implement the marshmallow method and eliminate moles from your garden:

  1. Identify Mole Activity Areas: Begin by identifying the areas of your garden where mole activity is most prevalent. Look for raised molehills or soft, sunken areas in the soil. These are signs that moles are actively tunneling in those locations.

  2. Prepare Marshmallow Baits: Gather a supply of marshmallows, preferably the regular-sized ones, as they work best for this method. You can use either store-bought marshmallows or make your own. Avoid using marshmallows with artificial flavorings or coatings, as moles are attracted to the natural scent of plain marshmallows.

  3. Place Marshmallows in Active Mole Tunnels: Carefully dig small holes into the mole tunnels using a garden trowel or shovel. Drop a few marshmallows into each hole and cover them with soil, ensuring they are hidden from view. Repeat this process in various mole activity areas throughout your garden.

  4. Monitor and Repeat: Regularly check the mole tunnels for signs of mole activity, such as disturbed soil or fresh molehills. If the marshmallows have been consumed, it indicates mole presence, and you should continue placing marshmallows in those areas until mole activity subsides.

  5. Additional Preventive Measures: While marshmallows can be an effective deterrent, it's essential to complement their usage with other preventive measures. These include maintaining a well-manicured lawn, removing excess vegetation, and reducing the presence of insects and grubs, which are common mole food sources.


With the marshmallow method in your gardening arsenal, you now have an innovative and natural way to combat mole infestations. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively get rid of moles from your garden while avoiding harmful chemicals and preserving the ecosystem. Remember to remain patient and persistent as it may take time for the moles to be completely deterred. Embrace this humane and environmentally friendly approach to reclaim the beauty and tranquility of your garden.